
These are the biggest mistakes property professionals make when posting a listing

The biggest mistakes property professionals make when posting a listing are completely avoidable. However, many real estate agents believe doing these helps their cause. Case in point, nothing is worse for a property seeker than finding a property they like online only to find out the location mentioned in the listing title and where it is on a map are totally different.

Actually, there may be one thing worse. That is when a listing only has a couple of pictures. It leaves too many unanswered questions. Is the agent hiding something? What is the rest of the property like? Most folks will simply move on to the next listing instead of inquiring for more details even if they like everything else.

With that in mind, here’s how to avoid the biggest mistakes property professionals make when posting a listing.

Related: 3 tips to help your listings generate more inquiries

Don’t misrepresent the location

This topic is one that involves grey area. Nearby is a relative term, after all. That places real estate agents in a difficult situation at times. How do you find a way to frame information that can be perceived as negative in a positive light?

For starters, it is not okay to say your listing is close to something that is not actually in the neighborhood. If the nearest public transportation station is two kilometers down the street, don’t claim it is close by. People will realize this is not true as soon as they see a map.

One solution is to use walking times in your listings as opposed to distances. While 1.5 kilometers seems far away, a 15-minute walk sounds much more manageable.

Use as many photos as you have

Listings that only have one or two photos don’t perform well as those with 15+ pictures. The most common reason property professionals give for not using more is that the property doesn’t have good lighting and they can’t afford to hire a professional photographer. That is understandable but there are also alternatives.

Several companies offer affordable touch-up services and can even do virtual staging that brings drab photos to life for a fraction of the cost. This can make a massive difference in terms of generating interest for your listings.

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