One question real estate professionals are always asking us at Dot Property Group is, “How do I get more inquiries?” The first place to start is listing quality. Simply put, the better a listing is, the more visible it will be. And more people seeing your listings usually equates to an increase in the number of inquiries you’ll receive.
So, what do we mean when we say listing quality? This refers to the quantity and accuracy of the information you have provided. The best listings are ones containing lots of details and photos. That’s because the biggest pain point for property seekers when it comes to listings is not having sufficient material to make a decision.
This can be a lack of basic details about the property, not enough photos, incorrect facts or a combination of all these factors. Anything that may hinder a person’s search process impacts quality. With that in mind, here are a few tips to help you create high-quality listings that will increase visibility and generate more inquiries.
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3 tips to help your listings generate more inquiries
1) Use the correct location
Real estate is all about location and this is an important factor for property seekers. That means you should use the exact area for listings, not an approximation. Additionally, be truthful about what’s nearby and distances to places of note. Someone interested in your property will ultimately find out its real location anyway, so there is no need to hide it from them.
2) Don’t skimp on the photos
More is always better as it relates to photos. You should aim for each listing to have at least 12 pictures to accompany it, including one of every room. The goal is to ensure those looking at the property have a solid understanding of if it is right for them.
While we are on the topic of photos, be sure you are using high-quality ones that do not contain any watermarks. Finally, if the pictures are dark or cluttered, considering hiring a professional service that can enhance lighting and edit them to make rooms look more appealing.
3) Revisit underperforming listings
If you have a listing that isn’t receiving many impressions or inquiries, consider editing it. We recommend changing the title and cover photo while also adding information to the description. These changes may seem minor but can make a real difference. Ideally, you should go through your portfolio once a month and update any underperforming listings.
Following these three tips to help your listings generate more inquiries is a great place to start. And if you want to boost them even further, consider promoting your listings with Proppit. Promoted properties on our platform receive six times more visibility than non-promoted properties. Click here to learn more.
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